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Castle TV Show - A Breath of Fresh Air! |
The television series Castle has been one of the most beloved comedy / crime / drama / thriller / mystery / romance shows on the air. Its lead actor Nathan Fillion of Firefly fame (a cult Sci-Fi TV Show) is a much loved actor and has a huge fan following. Apart from Fillion, another lead actress who has captured the attention of the audience is Stana Katic who has perfectly embodied and brought to life the character of Detective Kate Beckett of New York Police Department (NYPD).
The show is also supported by a strong ensemble cast that includes Susan Sullivan (as Martha Rodgers), Jon Huertas (as Detective Javier Esposito), Seamus Dever (as Detective Kevin Ryan), Molly Quinn (as Alexis Castle), Tamala Jones (as Lanie Parish), Penny Johnson Jerald (as Captain Victoria Gates), Ruben Santiago-Hudson (as Captain Roy Montgomery) and Jack Coleman (as Senator William Bracken). Of course, this is only the main cast and the full cast is far longer! The show was created primarily by Andrew Marlowe and clearly, he did a fantastic job going by the show ratings especially for the first 6 seasons!
The plot of the show is all about Richard "Rick" Castle, a millionaire playboy who recently killed off his main character when a serial killer starts killing people like he does in his books. He teams up with New York police detective Kate Beckett to solve the case. He finds inspiration in Detective Beckett and starts shadowing her for his next book. Interestingly, the show was initially latched on by Fillian's fans but it took a turn when Stana Katic played out the character of Kate Beckett quite so well and brought it to life.
The audience loved the chemistry between the lead characters and that rocketed the show to fame! Further, the story telling was exceptional well into the sixth season. We liked the acting skills of the actors - acting does not always mean dialogue delivery. It includes facial expressions, postures and mannerisms. In this area, the main actors pull it off big, especially Stana Katic. Though it was a long series, it did not feel boring and in fact, it kept the viewer riveted to each episode as it played out.
For the casual viewer, it was wonderful to find a series that was sprinkled with comedy, mystery, drama and thrilling sequences. Importantly, the elements of romance were electric and nicely done! Further, there were quite a few interesting tidbits to add to our overall knowledgebase in various fields.
The show focuses on the charm and wit of Castle complemented by the grit and fortitude of NYPD Detective Kate Beckett. The chemistry between the lead characters is awesome - irresistible force meets immovable object, opposites attract, oil and water and fire and ice. On the comic element, Fillion is a perfect match for anything that the show throws at him and he brings out the best! He plays out the role of a successful writer - in fact, he even has a protective vest printed Writer when he goes out with NYPD detectives! He is obviously charismatic and an egocentric mystery writer!
Not to be outdone, Stana plays out the role of the cop to the dot! She is gorgeous (in real life too) and ever so enticing, egging Castle to match her. One wonders what a beautiful woman is doing in the NYPD - turns out that she has a powerful backstory and that is unravelled in the episodes of the show. She is alluring, mysterious and lightly-flirtatious while maintaining her ability of a tough cop who will not be cowed down by anyone! Both actors are clearly comfortable in their roles and that is one of the main reasons for the series doing brilliantly. This is a show that defies cliche and is cleverly done! If you are looking for a good show that will keep your interest alive for many seasons, then this is it!
Many of the punchlines became famous. Due credit must be given to the actors who delivered the punchlines exceedingly well. Take a look at some of them.
- Castle: When I was your age... I can’t tell that story, it’s wildly inappropriate, which oddly is my point. Don’t you want to have wildly inappropriate stories that you can’t tell your children?
- Alexis: I think you have enough of those for the both of us.
- Castle: [to his daughter Alexis] I just want someone to come up to me and say something new.
- Beckett: Mr. Castle?
- Castle: [turning around holding a pen ready to give an autograph] Where would you like it?
- Beckett: [holding badge] Detective Kate Beckett, NYPD. We need to ask you a few questions about a murder that took place earlier tonight.
- Alexis: [taking the pen from him] That's new.
- Ryan: [pointing to inscription on Castle's book] From the library of Katherine Beckett.
- Beckett: Do you have a problem with reading, Ryan?
- Esposito: Yo, check it, girl, you're totally a fan!
- Beckett: Right. Of the genre.
- Ryan: Right, the genre, that's why you're blushing.
- Beckett: What are you, twelve?
- Esposito: [To Beckett] A control freak like you with something you can't control? No, no, that's gonna be more fun than Shark Week.
- Beckett: Richard Castle, you are under arrest for felony theft and obstruction of justice!
- Castle: [Smiling] You forgot making you look bad.
- Martha: It's my fault; he never had a father figure.
- Castle: Oh, that's not true, Mother, I had lots of father figures!
- Beckett: Well, guess this is it.
- Castle: Oh it doesn’t have to be. We could uh… go to dinner, debrief each other.
- Beckett: Why, Castle? So I can be another one of your conquests?
- Castle: Or I could be one of yours.
- Beckett: [extending her hand] It was nice to meet you, Castle.
- Castle: [shaking it] It’s too bad. It would have been great.
- Beckett: [stepping closer and leaning toward his ear] You have no idea.
- Montgomery: Beckett, listen.
- Beckett: Sir, he is like a nine-year-old on a sugar rush, totally incapable of taking anything seriously.
- Montgomery: But he did help solve this case. And when the mayor's happy, the commissioner's happy. And when the commissioner's happy, I'm happy.
- Beckett: How long, sir?
- Montgomery: [motioning to his door] It's up to him.
- [Beckett turns to find Castle standing in the doorway, smirking]
- Beckett: Exactly how much longer do I have to expect you to be shadowing me on my cases like this?
- Castle: Hard to say, when I’m writing a new character there’s no saying when inspiration might strike.
- Beckett: I thought I was your inspiration.
- Castle: Oh you are Detective, in so many ways.
- Beckett: Yeah well your inspiration might strike you sooner than you might think.
- Alexis: So, who got killed today?
- Castle: The nanny.
- Alexis: Do they know who did it?
- Castle: Well, apparently, in an actual homicide, they don't know who did it until the guy gets caught.
- Police Rep: Mr. Castle, be advised: if you get injured following Detective Beckett to research your next novel, you cannot sue the city. If you get shot, you cannot sue the city. If you get killed...
- Castle: My lifeless remains cannot sue the city?
- Police Rep: Your heirs, Mr. Castle, your heirs.
- Beckett: Exactly how many times have you been married?
- Castle: Twice.
- Beckett: That’s it?
- Castle: Isn’t that enough? How about you?
- Beckett: Me? No, never been.
- Castle: Really?
- Beckett: Yeah.
- Castle: You’d be good at it. You’re both controlling and disapproving.
- Castle: You would really clean up at my poker game.
- Beckett: Right. You, James Patterson and the rest of the times best seller list. No thank you Castle, little to rich for my blood.
- Castle: We could always make it strip poker.
- Beckett: Sorry but I prefer mystery to horror.
- Beckett: Do you know the school?
- Castle: Oh, I’ve been kicked out of all of New York’s finer educational institutions at least once. The irony is, now that I’m rich and famous, they all claim me as alum and want money
- Beckett: [sarcastically] It is just so rough being you.
- Castle: My cross to bear.
- Castle: What’s the class?
- Martha: Introduction to life coaching. It’s always been my desire to make a difference, whether on stage or off. And I have had cards made.
- Castle: It says here I’m your client.
- Martha: Well of course you are, haven’t I been telling you what to do your entire life?
- [Talking to Alexis about the case while chopping onions]
- Alexis: I don’t get it. If Creason didn’t do it, then how does the rug fit in?
- Castle: Killer probably heard about the feud between the two of them and tried to shift suspicion, which is stupid, because without the rug, it would’ve just looked like a mugging gone wrong.
- Alexis: So by trying to look smart, they were actually being stupid.
- Castle: I think you just described the human condition.
- Lanie: Getting a drink with me after work instead of getting your freak on with writer boy?
- Beckett: What? He is annoying, self-centered, egotistical, and completely-
- Lanie: Fun. And take it from me, girlfriend, you need some fun. I mean, how bad can he be?
- Beckett: [answers phone] Beckett.
- Castle: [excitedly] Guess who's got a date with a prostitute!
- Castle: All right, so you and I are married.
- Beckett: We are not married.
- Castle: Relax, it's just pretend.
- Beckett: I don't wanna pretend.
- Castle: Scared you'll like it?
- Beckett: Okay, if we're married, I want a divorce.
- Apartment Guy: Are you two like this all the time?
- Castle & Beckett: Yes.
- Beckett: [following Castle across the street] Castle? Castle!
- Castle: [stops in front of a electronics shop] I’m on TV.
- Beckett: Are you having a breakdown?
- Castle: Not a breakdown, a breakthrough. And I really am ruggedly handsome, aren’t I?
- Beckett: Still waiting for the breakthrough.
- Beckett: The next time you show up at a crime scene without me, I'll show you how my taser works.
- Castle: Promise?
- [talking about a poker game]
- Judge: [to Beckett] Do us a favor, Detective. Beat his pants off.
- Castle: Yes please, beat my pants off if you dare.
- [After Castle wins the game and begins gloating]
- Judge: [annoyed] Don’t you ever get tired of winning, Castle?
- Castle: [still gloating] Yeah, you’d think so, right? But no.
- [After Sorenson leaves]
- Castle: Nice guy. I can see how it wouldn’t work, though.
- Beckett: Really?
- Castle: Sure.
- Beckett: Huh.
- Castle: Handsome, square-jawed, by-the-book.
- Beckett: And that’s a bad thing?
- Castle: Yeah, he’s like the male you. Yin needs Yang, not another Yin. Yin-Yang is harmony. Yin-Yin is…a name for a panda.
- Beckett: Any more wisdom, Obi-Wan?
- Lanie: [examining Castle after the car crash] He'll live.
- Ryan: What no brain damage?
- Lanie: If he has some, it happened way before tonight and was probably self inflicted.
- Castle: Ahh, good times.
- [A murder calls Castle away from an ad-hoc play rehearsal with his mother]
- Alexis: Take me with you!
- Castle: To a crime scene?
- Alexis: It'd be educational. Please?
- Castle: Find your own hiding place.
- [Explaining why they should continue ad-hoc play rehearsal]
- Martha: If it’s a hit, who knows how long it could run? Then I could take it on the road.
- Alexis: You mean you’d leave us?
- Martha: Well, only for nine months of the year. [noticing Alexis’ concerned expression] Oh, don’t look so sad. [noticing Castle’s dreamy expression] And, you, don’t look so happy.
- [When Beckett tells Castle she hasn’t read Heat Wave yet]
- Castle: You were all over me to get a copy of that book. Do you have any idea how many hoops I had to jump through, just so my editor wouldn’t send an armed guard to watch over you while you read it? The least you could do is to… [pauses and looks at her] Oh. Oh! I see what you’re doing.
- Beckett: I’m not doing anything.
- Castle: Oh, yes, you are. Yes, you are. You’re trying to push my buttons, but it’s not gonna work.
- Beckett: Really?
- Castle: Mmm.
- Beckett: ‘Cause it seems to be working just great. [smirks]
- Castle: What?
- Beckett: Nothing... it's just I'm so used to seeing you act like a 12-year-old all the time, it's refreshing to see you as a father.
- Castle: It makes you want me, right?
- Beckett: ...And there's the 12-year-old again.
- Castle: Does he look like a killer to you?
- Beckett: Everybody looks like a killer to me, Castle. Job requirement
- Castle: Do I look like a killer to you?
- Beckett: Yes, you kill my patience.