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Monday, 7 December 2020

Friendship Over Diamonds!

friendship, diamonds, precious, loyalty
Friendship Over Diamonds!
Tags: Friendship, Diamonds, Precious, Loyalty

This is a poem on friendship written by our 9-year old niece Ashritha.

When I started out,

I was afraid and alone.

But then, I met them,

And then, they came along.

They gave me courage,

To talk and shout!

Nothing can take them away, 

I would choose friendship over diamonds!!

My friends...

Are more than diamonds to me.

I would rather be with them.

They will be in,

My heart as best friends forever more!

Christmas Cheer!

Christmas, cheer, festival, spirit, joy, enjoyment, merry, happy, happiness, celebration, community, santa, claus
Christmas Cheer!
Tags: Christmas, cheer, festival, spirit, joy, enjoyment, merry, happy, happiness, celebration, community, santa, claus

This is a Christmas poem / song written by our 9-year old niece Ashritha. Thought we will publish it on the blog as Christmas is almost here - for all to enjoy, including our niece!

Christmas time is here,

All around Christmas cheer.

Voices like angels sing,

All the bells ring.


The Christmas tree lights,

It's the best of nights.

Santa Claus arrives,

Christmas cheer revives.

It's a lot of joy,

For every girl and boy.



Christmas is here!