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Several times, when a gift is presented to us, we experience a range of emotions and questions. Happiness, sadness, disappointment, anger, indifference, etcetera. Is it a nice gift? Is it as we hoped for? Is it good quality from a good brand? Is it useful? Does it meet our expectations? And many more such questions! Well, those questions are similar to a raging ocean and mostly, we do not even realise the under-currents that our mind is swamped in. These are at a subconscious level. Essentially, many of us may be bothered about the gift itself rather than the spirit of it and the person giving it. In that context, here is a short and sweet story that makes a vital point of appreciating and nurturing the spirit of gifting rather than only the gift itself.
There is a legend often passed on from generation to generation of a simple young man who was roaming the desert with his throat parched with thirst. He then came across a natural spring of delicious crystal clear water. The water tasted so sweet than anything he had tasted in his life, perhaps his thirst had heightened his sense of taste too. He eagerly went on to drink his fill of the sweet delicious water. While doing so, he remembered his tribal elder who had been his mentor and teacher through out his life and decided to take some of the sweet tasting water as a gift to him. He filled his leather canteen to the brim and began his journey back to his teacher's village. After several days journey, he stood before his mentor beaming and presented him the precious water as a gift. The wise old man smiled warmly and took a deep drink. He thanked the student profusely for the gift of the sweet water. The young man was very happy and returned to his village.
Later, the teacher shared the drink with another of his students. However, the student after tasting the water, cried out aloud and spat it out saying that it tasted awful. Apparently, the water had become stale on account of it being stored in the leather canteen. He was surprised and asked his teacher how he liked the water when it was foul. The master responded to his student that he tasted the spirit of the gift whereas the student only tasted the water. The canteen had served as a container for an act of loving kindness - there could be nothing sweeter than the gesture itself!
In a similar vein, our 6 year old niece regularly makes and gives us gifts. She innocently makes necklaces of all kinds of stuff that adults may typically not consider as gifts if they were to receive from other adults. She draws, paints and makes crafts for us. In themselves, perhaps, they may or may not be much. However, when we thank her for the gift and tell her how lovely the gifts are and her thoughtfulness in presenting them to us, her face turns radiant with happiness. There is nothing that can match that feeling of happiness. It is also appreciation and gratitude for any person's thoughtful gesture, young or old, rich or poor, irresctive of gender, that is more important than the gift itself. With children, it is even more so as it nurtures a strong value system and heightens their creativity. The idea of gifting and its thoughtfullness is more important than the gift itself.
➤ Life Lesson: As we all know, gratitude does not come naturally to us. It is something that we have to genuinely practice and get better at. If someone thought of us and gifted to us, then we have to recognise that feeling that comes out of the heart and genuinely appreciate and thank them for it.
Tags:GeoStorm Hollywood Movie Film Trailers Screening Theatres TV Disaster Day After Tomorrow 2012 Script Science Special Effects CGI Climate Change Acting Gerard Butler Ed Harris Andy Garcia Jim Sturgess Abbie Cornish Planet Earth Satellites Astral Engineer Astronaut
In the recent past, disaster movie flicks like Day After Tomorrow and 2012 enthralled audiences across the world. Such movies were not just a flash in the pan. They were made with a good script, sound science, solid special effects and strong acting by lead actors. Consequently, every now and then, new disaster movie flicks keep cropping up attempting to capture the imagination of movie-goers in a similar vein as erstwhile popular movies.
One of those Hollywood movies that film buffs were looking forward to was GeoStorm, a disaster movie flick with climate change impact at its core. The film cast several well known and popular Hollywood names like Gerard Butler, Ed Harris, Andy Garcia, Jim Sturgess and Abbie Cornish. Actors like Gerard Butler and Ed Harris are big names in Hollywood and have proved their mettle in the past with captivating screen presence and capable acting. The film boasts tons of CGI as well. The movie trailers also pique your interest. When you consider all these aspects, it is natural for movie-goers to feel enthused in watching the movie on the big screen.
However, if you are wise or have learnt from past experience like us, then you would think twice before rushing to watch a much hyped movie in the theatres without giving it some good thought. There are many times that movie buffs have been caught in a nightmare when a supposedly appealing film turned out to be a rotten egg. We learnt much the same way with harsh experience as our instructor.
When we consider watching a film in the theatre, we take care to first read about it, its plot-line, critiques, reviews and comments from others. That way you can minimise the damage even if a movie does not meet your expectations - at least, it won't turn out to be a nightmare that you have to leave the theatre midway through the screening or suffer a severe headache thereafter, especially when you have paid good money for it. If you are unsure about a movie despite reading reviews, then best to give it a go-by and perhaps watch it on your TV later when its print is available. You will have the comfort of your own home and a TV remote to fast forward the painful parts of the movie. Remember, it is not just about the money you pay for a movie - it is the bad experience of watching it in a theatre that could very well stay with you for a prolonged period of time... it did for us on earlier occasions.
Getting back to GeoStorm, we watched this film at home. The story-line speaks about the triggering of a world-wide climate change and its severe impact across the globe. Earthlings have been warned time and again but as is typical of us, we ignored all those warnings. An unprecedented series of natural disasters threatened the planet. To counter the disaster, the planet comes together, as every nation is equally endangered from the threat of a GeoStorm. They build and launch an intricate network of satellites designed to control the global climate and keep its inhabitants safe. For a while, everything is hunky dory. However, events soon turn bad. The host of satellites, built to protect the planet, mysteriously begin to attack Earth. The countdown to save the planet is on and it is a race against the clock for Gerard Butler to unravel the real threat before a worldwide GeoStorm wipes out everything.
Unfortunately, the film was quite pathetic despite boasting big Hollywood names and its CGI special effects! Interestingly, the rugged looking Gerard Butler plays the role of an astral engineer / astronaut who designed the network of climate control satellites called Dutch Boy. This is somewhat of a stretch for audiences to latch on. While the core scenario of climate change initially sounded promising, yet it winded down horribly. The script is extremely weak - and it felt as if the writer was in a bad place when he wrote it! The movie is a mish-mash of several of its predecessors.
The plot-line, as it unfolded, simply did not make sense and many a time (which was most of the movie) was outright ridiculous! Several parts of the movie could not be explained by any rational mind! If you did not already catch it, Mumbai is shown as only a city of slums and nothing else - typical stereotype! The premises of the movie on climate events is botched up and defies logic. The movie mostly meanders on, quite dull and boring, a thorough drag and a washout! It is what is often called 'an eye-rolling story'. The editing could not patch up the film however hard they may have tried as it was already broken in to a million pieces! Simply put, it was insulting the intelligence of the audience!
Alternatively, it could be a movie for scientists to have an absolutely good laugh or for triggering emotion in those with cold personalities! Our suggestion - give it a go-by and save yourself before you are consumed by it!
Tags:Japanese Soap Box Assembly Line Story Lesson Moral Problem Solutions Management Six Sigma Answer Simple Complex Complicated Study Certification Accreditation Promotion Complaints
When we are confronted with a problem in our lives, most often than not, our mind jumps to elaborate solutions. Such problems can occur all the time and anywhere whether at home or at work. When handling them, we are frequently blinded by our mindset to look for convoluted or complicated solutions. Reason - may be, we think that the problem is complex; therefore perhaps the solution has got to be complicated. We do not even realise this tendency in our personality to look for intricate or involved solutions. This mindset could be a result of the complex modern world we live in or we have to make a six sigma study of everything.
Very often, we even create problems, so that we can show a solution - this is particularly true in several corporates wherein for the purpose of certification or accreditation or promotion, one needs to do a case study, identify a problem, analyse it, devise a solution, implement it and show a resolution that adds value somehow to the bottom-line of the company. Strange as it may sound, many decide to create the problem for which there may already be a solution and then fix it.
Anyway, our point is that often, for problems in our life, we jump to complex solutions rather than commonplace solutions. Such complex solutions are also hazardous in the sense they take a lot of manpower, time, effort and expense. However, the solutions may actually be staring at us and our conditioned mindset typically ignores them for more sophisticated and trendy solutions. To be fair, it is also highly likely that for a majority of us, the obvious solutions are not easily visible. Very rarely are the simplest solutions the most obvious. This is the conundrum that we all experience in our lives. As the popular adage goes, "common sense is not so common".
Here is a popular and famous story illustrating the play of a complex solution versus a simple answer to solve a problem on the assembly line. It is a memorable case study too on Japanese management involving a soap box factory. This particular scenario unfolded in one of Japan's largest cosmetics companies at that point of time. In hindsight, the solution when finally determined appeared to be quite straight-forward and obvious but when the complaints trickled in from customers, it was not so.
It all started when a customer filed a complaint that he had received an empty soap box. The management at various levels including the floor level were alerted and swung into action. The problem was finally isolated to the assembly line. This is where all the packaged soap boxes were transported to the delivery section. For some puzzling reason, one box of soap had gone through the assembly line empty. Engineers were asked by management to study the problem in-depth and find a solution. Immediately, the engineers got to work. A customised X-Ray machine was installed with high resolution monitors manned by people to scan all the soap boxes passing through the assembly line. Any soap box that was empty was promptly identified and discarded. A lot of manpower, time, effort and money was spent on devising the solution. The entire process of figuring out an effective solution was quite expensive and costly. However, the solution worked.
Interestingly, a small company can not afford such a costly solution. So when a similar situation arose in a smaller company, it was presented to the rank-and-file staff to identify a solution that was effective but not expensive. One of the workmen came out with an alternative workable solution. He did not get into complications of X-ray machine, high resolution monitors, oversight staff, scanning, etcetera. He simply went out and bought a strong industrial model of an electric fan and pointed it at the assembly line. He switched the fan on, and as each soap box passed the fan, it simply blew the empty boxes out of the line.
As noted, in hindsight, the solution was obvious but the mind also needs to be trained by us to think of simple solutions that are effective in every manner possible. This may not happen overnight but with the right kind of patience and perseverance, it is possible to do so. Experience also does help. It is therefore equally important to involve all relevant parties in figuring out the solution. The wisdom of the crowd and brain storming at all levels can be of great help.
➤ Life Lessons: Always look for simple solutions that solve the problem in an effective manner involving minimal time, effort and expense. Avoid complications. Focus on solutions and not problems.
Tags: Spencer's Spencers Retail Customer Service Complaint Feedback Story Store Shop Groceries Staples Food Ice Cream Fruits Vegetables Products Bakery Meat Wine Fashion Electronics Electricals Plastics Home Kitchen Furniture Games Toys Personal Care Refrigerator Freezer Goenka Billing Website
A few days back, we went to the Spencer's store where we shop regularly for some of our monthly groceries. It was renovated sometime back and it was looking far more spacious, organised and comfortable while browsing the products. New sections were also introduced like Diary & Bakery, Meat & Fish and Wine Shop - rather convenient for customers. They were even arranged appropriately so that it does not offend the sensitivities of certain customers - the design was quite thoughtful. The store belongs to the RP Goenka Group since 1989 and has a history dating back to 1863 when it was originally co-founded by John William Spencer and Charles Durrant.
Anyway, on one of our visits, we did not have the best of experiences. We had purchased groceries and ice creams for our family. When we went to the billing section, we noticed that around 50% of the counters were closed. It was not even lean hours or a lean day and there were good number of customers queueing up. Strangely, the counter operators were still there milling around the closed counters chatting with their colleagues but the counters were bolted so that customers could not stand-in for billing. Normally, some waiting at available counters would not have mattered so much to us but this time we were carrying ice cream. The store was not air-conditioned at that point of time and if we did need to wait good enough time, then we ran the risk of the ice creams melting and not maintaining its consistency, given it would also take some more time to get home before we put it in the refrigerator.
So we did the next best thing possible. We approached one of the operators at the closed counter and asked them to bill for us as we were carrying ice cream. While the operator was polite, yet he did not offer any help and instead asked us to approach one of the open counters. After that, he went back to chatting with his colleague. We waited a bit in the hope he would take notice and offer help but no luck on that. Left with no other option, we queued up and finally got the groceries billed. By the time we went back home and put it in the freezer, the ice creams had melted like we feared. In hindsight, perhaps we should not have bought ice creams at that juncture given the circumstances. We were quite disappointed and were wondering what to do. It then struck us that Spencers now has online e-shopping portal too. We googled and gave feedback on their website. That at least made us feel better.
To be honest, we were not expecting any further outcome, especially a positive outcome from the feedback we provided. We have seen most of the time that companies take the feedback in their stride, call up the customer (if they do at all) and apologise to them - that is about it! However, knowing that we at least did not let the matter rest and gave feedback to Spencers made us feel good. What followed next surprised us. We received a telephonic call from their Central Team profusely apologising and patiently hearing our perspective. Then the local Spencers store Manager called us, apologised and took our address details. When we asked the reason, he said he wanted to meet us personally and discuss our experience to avoid future recurrences. We thought that was very proactive though belated.
He visited at the agreed time, listened to us and promised to take action. This was interesting since we never pictured Spencers as a store that would take customer feedback seriously. Probably, misconceptions in our mind - most of the time, we associate such actions to high visibility companies and multinationals. We of course forget that even those usually do not bother about customer experience. Examples are Samsung and HTC. Anyway, this was turning out to be a pleasant experience after all. At least, the poor impression we received earlier was being replaced by the responsive attitude we saw in their teams.
And then came the Coup d'état or master stroke. Spencers handed over to us a complimentary hamper containing the ice creams that we had earlier purchased to make up for our experience. While this was not much, yet it went a long way in making the point that they took customer feedback rather seriously. This does not happen often with companies. Kudos to Spencer!
Tags:Triple Filter Test Greece Socrates Knowledge Wisdom Philosopher Truth Good Useful Esteem Management Life Lessons Story
In ancient Greece (469 - 399 BC), Socrates was widely lauded for his wisdom. One day the great philosopher came upon an acquaintance who ran up to him excitedly and said "Socrates, do you know what I just heard about one of your students?"
Wait a moment," Socrates replied. "Before you tell me I'd like you to pass a little test. It's called the Triple Filter Test."
"Triple filter?"
"That's right," Socrates continued. "Before you talk to me about my student let's take a moment to filter what you're going to say. The first filter is Truth. Have you made absolutely sure that what you are about to tell me is true?" "
No," the man said, "actually I just heard about it and..."
"All right," said Socrates. "So you don't really know if it's true or not. Now let's try the second filter - the filter of Goodness. Is what you are about to tell me about my student something good?" "
No, on the contrary..."
"So," Socrates continued, "you want to tell me something bad about him, even though you're not certain it's true?"
The man shrugged, a little embarrassed.
Socrates continued. "You may still pass the test though, because there is a third filter - the filter of Usefulness. Is what you want to tell me about my student going to be useful to me?"
"No, not really..."
"Well," concluded Socrates, "If what you want to tell me is neither True nor Good nor even Useful! Why tell it to me at all?"
The man was defeated and ashamed.
This is the reason Socrates was a great philosopher and held in such high esteem.
Tags: Beautiful Beauty Clinics Depilation Electrolysis Enzymes Epilation Epilators Hair Hollywood Hot Wax Laser Hair Removal Brazilian Bikini Los Angeles Medication Photothermolysis Plucking Removal Shaving Skin Spas Sugaring Threading Turmeric Waxing
The practice of hair removal is not of recent times and has been in vogue since several centuries. It is a known fact that ancient Egyptians also used it, especially the Priests. However, it has really caught on in the last 100 years.
There are several types of hair removal. The most common that is widely used by men and women alike is "shaving" which is a depilation technique. Depilation involves removal of hair on the surface of the skin. However, it is a temporary method and the hair grows back quickly. As a result, shaving needs to be done regularly. On the other hand, there are epilation techniques which remove hair below the surface of the skin. This is an effective technique and is far longer lasting compared to depilation techniques. An example is waxing. In fact, waxing in women has become a norm considering societal pressures and perceptions of beauty. Spas offer a bouquet of services to make both men and women "feel" and "be" beautiful.
Some of the techniques offered by Spas require staff to be "trained" in specific fields of medical sciences to ensure that treatments for clients are properly supervised and administered. As a result, Spas and beauty clinics all over the world have transformed themselves into Medical Spas or Med Spas. These are also referred to as Day Spa Medical.
There are several of this kind in Los Angeles which is one of the most buzzing places in the world. Usually Spas are either day spas or destination spas. The classification is based on the duration of stay in Spas. If the establishment provides stay for several days for treatments, then it is referred to as Destination Spa. Conversely, if it is for a few hours stay, then they are day spas. Los Angeles is sprinkled with Spas of all kinds. Most of these Spas fall under the ambit of being day spas as well as destination spas based on the requirement of the clients.
The Spas offer both epilation and depilation techniques of hair removal. Depilation techniques include shaving, depilatories and friction. Epilation methods span plucking, waxing, sugaring, threading, burning off hair with hot wax, usage of turmeric, epilators, prescribed oral medications and enzymes.
However, the above methods are temporary in nature and have to be administered regularly. Permanent solutions include electrolysis and laser hair removal. The latter has become very popular across the world since it is painless and less time consuming. It involves epilation or removal of hair from beneath the surface of the skin permanently. For this purpose, selective photothermolysis is applied to cause localized damage to dark target matter or melanin where there are hair follicles simultaneously ensuring that there is no harm to the rest of the skin.
Tags: Beauty Beautician Young Youthful Body Age Life Wrinkles Face Tension Anxiety Frown Lines Dermatologist Rejuvenation Restoration Spa Treatments Specialists Medicine Clients Massages Tissue Swedish Prenatal Skincare Clinics Services Older Botox Juvederm Restylane Injections Forehead Eyes Nose Mouth Fillers Folds Smile Lines Hollows Orbital Troughs Photofacial Rosacea Hyper Pigmentation Blotchy Radiant Complexion Spider Veins Varicose Cosmetic
We age as we add years to our life. The age shows up first as wrinkles on our face... tension and anxiety are siblings of age and speed up the aging process by adding frown lines to the wrinkles!
Throughout history, human beings have made every effort possible to find ways of rejuvenating the body, especially the face, which is a clear indicator of how young or youthful we look. Solutions have been invented and discovered by painful, time-taking, expensive and experimental research and several times by luck, chance and accident.
Go to a dermatologist or a beautician in any day spa or med spa, considered as haunts for restoration of beauty. They do restore the youthfulness to an extent that is characteristic of beauty by simultaneously using a range of tools. In fact, the nature of spa treatments applied for taking away the wrinkles or frown lines from your face requires specialists who are trained in medicine. Medical spas employ specialist Doctors and trained medical staff in supervising and administering facial rejuvenation treatments to clients.
These day, spas also offer different types of massages. Massage spas offer couples massage, deep tissue massage, Swedish massage, prenatal massage and hot stone massage supplemented by application of various skincare products.
Beauty clinics and Spas provide an armory of services to make you look younger when you are older! Botox injections are quite popular. These injections are derived from one type of botulinum toxin. This is a neuromuscular toxin produced by the Clostridium botulinum bacterium. In a pure state, this toxin can be lethal; however, it is diluted for cosmetic and therapeutic purposes and fights aging process. It is an effective solution to smoothen frown lines and wrinkles on forehead, between eyes and base of the nose. Viola! Anti-aging agent!
Juvederm and restylane are facial fillers that soften deep folds and have the effect of reducing "smile lines," creases of skin around corners of nose and mouth and also wrinkles on faces. Both juvederm and restylane are hyaluronic acid facial fillers and are eventually absorbed by the body. As a result, repeat injections may be required at regular intervals of 6 months. These are effective in filling up facial hollows and orbital troughs with a fast recovery time spanning a few days.
Complementing facial fillers is photofacial, a procedure treating rosacea, hyper pigmentation, and many more. Even better, it lasts less than an hour. It is a facial skin care treatment intended to rejuvenate skin damaged through harmful effects of our Sun. Rosacea can also be effectively treated with photofacial which transforms red, blotchy skin into a radiant complexion.
These treatments may not make sense if one is affected by spider veins or varicose veins. Hence, vein removal is also offered as a cosmetic solution by med spas. Specific treatments will depend on age, tolerance to medication, overall health, and extent of the condition and preferences of the clients.
The good part is that there are a range of solutions available in the market, to make you look younger, should you need them.
Tags: Story Lesson Life Management Bus Driver Garage Communication Perception Problem Communication is the key for everything that we do in our lives whether it is at home or in office. However, we don’t really give much thought to it and most of the times, it is under-rated. Here is a simple story to illustrate the importance of effective communication!
➽ “One fine day”, a bus driver went to the bus garage, started his bus and drove-off along the route. No problems for the first few stops -a few people got on, a few got off and things went generally well. At the next stop, however, a big hulk of a guy got on. Six feet eight, built like a wrestler, arms hanging down to the ground. He glared at the driver and said, “Big John doesn’t pay!”and sat down at the back.
➽ Did I mention that the driver was five feet three, thin and basically meek? Well, he was. Naturally, he didn’t argue with Big John, but he wasn’t happy about it. The next day, the same thing happened -Big John got on again, made a show of refusing to pay and sat down. And the next day and the next.
➽ This grated on the bus driver, who started losing sleep over the way Big John was taking advantage of him. Finally, he could stand it no longer. He signed up for body building courses, karate, judo and all that good stuff. By the end of the summer, he had become quite strong; what’s more, he felt really good about himself.
➽ So on the next Monday, when Big John once again got on the bus and said, “Big John doesn’t pay!”The driver stood up, glared back at the passenger and screamed,“And why not?”With a surprised look on his face, Big John replied, “Big John has a bus pass .”
➤ Life Lessons: Be sure there is a problem in the first place before working hard to solve one.
Tags: Online Internet Work Home Money Income Earning Revenue Royalties Referral Payments Blogging Google Services Content Writing Websites Article Marketing Keyword Clients Customers SEO Retail Products Reviews Advertisements Tutoring Freelancing Photography Graphics Artist Language Translation
It is often said that there is no such thing as a free lunch. If you are interested in making money, then it is argued that we should make an investment. However, by experience, it is quite risky to put money down as an investment when it comes to internet channels of spinning money - obviously, for good reason! There are too many scams or frauds on the internet. Simply put, it is difficult to separate the grain from the chaff.
So, is it possible to make money online without spending a cent? Can we generate money online that offers payments without scam or fraud? This might sound very difficult or close to impossible. However, the fact of the matter is that you can really make some money online without investment. Here are 10 + ways of making money online! They do require effort from your end but it is a fair trade! The amount of money generated may not make you a millionaire but it is a nice income channel.
1) Blogging: Google and identify sites that offer payment for blogging services. You will see that there are quite a few sites that offer this service. There are also multiple options and revenue sharing models based on how much your posts earn on their sites.
2) Content Writing for Websites: Look out for opportunities to develop textual content for websites. The internet is full of websites that are on the verge of development. There is a steady market out there. Develop a portfolio of your services. Circulate your resume. Network with friends and acquaintances.
3) Article Marketing: Write Keyword optimized articles that people are searching for on the web and post it to sites like Put them up for sale and leave your contact details in the signature. Interested parties could approach you for purchasing your articles. When clients are happy, it sets up a firm relationship and they will come back to you in the future for additional assignments.
4) Earning Royalties: Individuals can write articles or content that is SEO optimized and post them to websites like These websites earn through AdSense and similar income channels when viewers click on ads that are strategically placed in your articles. As the owner of the articles, you get to share 50% share of the income. If you are write on hot topics, there is a good opportunity to enhance your earnings.
5) Retail Products Online: Identify interesting products that customers look to buy from the internet to save on time and effort. Post listings of such products on web portals like and marking a profit on your cost price plus expenses. You can stand to make a cool profit on retailing products.
10 Plus Easy Ways of Making Money Online at Home!
6) AdSense Account: AdSense account is from Google. You can apply for a Google AdSense account and if you receive one, you can trigger Google selected ads on the URL specified by you. The good news is that you get to earn from Google AdSense when users click on the ads served by Google. However, remember to always follow the ToS of Google AdSense or your account may be banned. There are also alternatives to Google AdSense that you can pursue.
7) Write Product Reviews: There are companies that are looking for quality reviews for their products. Engage with them to develop relationships that pay steadily in the future.
8) Write FAQs, Q & As: Websites are regularly on the lookout for good quality writers who can consistently write Q & As and FAQs. In fact, some websites use Q & As as a way of generating higher traffic to their websites and also earn additional income through placement of advertisements. You can benefit from such websites too.
9) Offer Tutoring and Specialised Services: In current times, people are moving towards learning through online channels. There is a huge opportunity here for all of us who have specialized knowledge to offer online services in tutoring. You can give lessons to prospective students irrespective of age and gender across the world. For instance, if you are good in English and have degrees and accreditation in the subject, you can offer online tutoring in the subject. Examples:
10) Bid for Freelancing Projects: There are several websites that bring clients and service providers together. You can utilize such websites like, and and bid for freelancing projects from clients.
11) Sell Ad Space on Website: If you already have a well established website or blog, then you can sell space on it for publisher ads. Example: Adbrite. Similarly, you can tie-up with services such as Amazon Associates to offer their products on your website and earn referral income.
12) Sell Photography Skills: If you are a good photographer or a graphical artist, then create and upload your portfolio to websites like,, and Other websites include and You can sell your work to interested clients and develop long term business relationships.
13) Language Translation Services: If you are proficient in multiple languages, then you can offer translation services to online clients. is an example. There is good demand for online translation services and it pays well too.
14) Subcontract Assignments: Once you have established yourself in freelancing assignments, you no longer need to execute them yourself. You can start building a team of freelancers spread all across the world and subcontract your assignments to them. Obviously, you will be doing more assignments this way and there is sufficient profit for all concerned.
Importantly, don’t forget to enjoy yourself while you are earning through these online channels!
There are umpteen channels to earn money without investment. This post does not cover them all. Interested readers can google and can find alternate channels of spinning money. Some of the prominent channels include online trading (includes ForEx, Futures & Options, Derivatives and Commodities and Answering Surveys.
Tags: Maggi Noodles BigBasket Big Basket Nestle Customer Experience Complaint Shopping Online Grocery Service Delivery Refund Vegetables Quality Discounts Credit Card Bill Pulses Shahrukh Khan Brand Advertising Feedback Regulators Government
For a long time, we had been shopping with online grocery major at When it was first launched in our city, we were elated and excited for many reasons. We could shop online in our own city with a reliable service provider and get our groceries delivered at our doorstep! If something were not in order, we could easily raise a complaint and get items either replaced or cancelled for a full refund! It meant saving lot of time, effort and transport costs, not to mention the fact that we can avoid the hustle and bustle of crowds in grocery stores. Of course, sometimes, it is relevant to visit physical stores just to keep in touch with the latest but not always, especially when we know exactly what we want! While we could still make one full visit to a brick and mortar grocery store every now and then, yet the rest of shopping could be online!
Further, during initial launch of Big Basket, one key feature was online shopping of vegetables! Their quality was good with reasonable pricing - so that helped too. It was also good from another perspective - the portal offered good discounts on credit card shopping to the tune of 20% in the first few days of the month. Who can refuse that when your bill gets lighter, time gets saved, effort lessens and fuel cost comes down? It was, in our opinion, a deal-maker or clincher! This entire model practically worked for us! We were happy. We were able to persuade our family to move to this concept successfully though initially it was challenging with few Senior Members of the family.
However, in recent times, the product quality and customer experience appears to have clearly gone downhill. The quality of vegetables, more often than not, is poor and we have given up shopping for them online through Big Basket portal. We also observed that sometimes pulses were pest ridden - this was not so in earlier times. It seems to us customers that Big Basket has moved away from its rigorous quality control model it had when it launched and is focussing more on numbers. It is interesting that they have signed up Shahrukh Khan for their brand advertising at high expense but do not feel that it is more important to ensure good product mix, quality control and proactive customer experience and mitigation. Perhaps, they have routed the budget in these areas to high expense advertising by Shahrukh Khan. Many a time, we have noticed celebrities advertising for brands irresponsibly but not assessing their quality! Anyway, that is another story.
Maggi Noodles: BigBasket & Nestle India - A Not So Happy Customer Story!
And now the latest experience - poor quality of Maggi Noodles! Maggi Noodles packets were delivered to us by Big Basket which were long past the expiry / best before date (BVZO-38696263-010118 - 2 January 2018). The contents themselves appeared to be scraggly and broken. The packaging looked dusty and not giving the appearance of new stock and edible food. So we requested replacement (EVZRO-38758086-020118 - 3 January 2018) when the customer service team requested us to give them another chance! We were however in for another rude shock when replacements came. This time the packages had micro holes and leaked pieces of dry noodles on the table and floor! God knows if they were also infested considering that packaging was not air tight and had micro holes! We were rather annoyed and returned them immediately. On both occasions, we took action in the presence of delivery agents of Big Basket. It is surprising that a follow-up action based on a serious customer complaint leads to another severe complaint. Normally, companies do take care it does not happen. So we are puzzled on how Big Basket can be so casual in their approach in resolving a customer complaint!
We are unsure whom to hold responsible and accountable for this bad experience - should it be Big Basket or Nestle? In the past, Maggi Noodles (a product of Nestle) had a very bad run with food regulators and were banned for some time. They are just now returning to form. The downturn in their sales took a serious toll on the bottom-line of Nestle. The company announced that it had taken a slew of measures so that such occurrences do not happen again. But here we are with a set of complaints! So definitely Nestle is responsible for quality control of its products as Big Basket is their agent. On a similar note, Big Basket is a stockist and therefore, it is accountable too for ensuring strict quality control of the products in its portfolio. If it encounters issues, its quality mechanisms should weed them out and revert feedback to Nestle rather than serve it to customers!
An email exchange followed with both Big Basket and Nestle conveying our serious disappointment and requesting connect with Senior Management. Unfortunately, both parties were not bothered and have not even properly responded or mitigated the bad customer experience, except to offer an apology! This is another disturbing trend of corporates offering apologies to customers and assuming that the matter is closed! It is like corporates feel they have done a big deal or favour by offering an apology to customers and therefore, customers should no longer bother them anymore thus considering the matter closed. Interestingly, we feel that it is part of a template / script that agents are given when they receive customer complaints. Their responses are rather robotic and automatic with no heart or real intent in it!
Well, the matter is not closed! As customers, we are still unhappy! We are not satisfied with just an apology that holds no meaning to our corporate friends unless they are backed by serious believable action that customers can see tangibly and appreciate! We were once loyal customers of both Big Basket and Nestle. We still shop with them but no longer with the same trusted mentality. We triple check what we receive from them as we are the end users and need to be doubly careful. It is a sad trend that companies these days are losing their value for corporate ethics, professionalism, quality control and positive customer experience. They apparently are concerned only with the sales numbers and nothing else. We customers also seem to be unduly tolerant of such errant malpractices - perhaps we are too trusting that companies will do us right!
These are the kind of experiences that turn customers away from brands when, firstly, they experience something bad and then there is no real follow-up action to thoroughly mitigate such experiences. For example - neither Big Basket nor Nestle have even connected us to an escalation point to impress on us that the matter is being taken seriously. Instead, they have just ignored it and brushed it under the carpet! When we specifically asked for an escalation, there was absolutely no response or we were simply flooded with scripted and templated emails. We are still following up but do not expect anything much. Best to keep expectations low since in our country, the concept of severe penalties on such defaulting companies is rather weak. It is high time that tangible steps and practical ones at that are taken by Governments and regulators to severely penalise such defaulting companies. It works in Western economies...
Samsung HM 1700 Bluetooth Headset - Value, Functionality & Elegance!
Tags: Samsung Bluetooth A2DP Profiles Headset Models Brand Hands Free Handsfree Quality Clarity Sound Voice Audio Calls Dialling Mute Reject Talk Music Media Streaming Mic Noise Reduction Echo Cancellation Price Language FreeSync Application Power Adaptor Battery Rechargeable Standby Charge Time Device Mobile Phone MP3 Player Computer Podcasts Online Gamers Platforms Active Pairing Multipoint Technology Notifications Text to Speech Messaging SMS Email Movie USB Port LED Indicator Earhook Compatible Warranty
Recently, we wrote a blog on Samsung HM 1100 Bluetooth Headset which is one of the best budget friendly headsets in the market coupled with functionality. Unfortunately, the headset may no longer be widely available as it has been replaced with later models from Samsung. If you are out there looking for an alternative which is cost effective, feature rich and looks trendy, then there is Samsung HM 1700 Bluetooth Headset which could meet your specifications. It provides all that you may be looking for and more! You get value, functionality and elegance too! With this Bluetooth, you can keep your hands free while taking calls. This is useful when multi-tasking like driving to work or cooking at home. The Samsung HM1700 headset is feature-rich Bluetooth handsfree device. It offers high style and functionality at a low price. It is available in various colours to match your personal style. This headset is in many ways a real trendsetter!
Take a look at its key features that are going to blow your breath away!
Sleek & Brushed Metal Design.
Budget Friendly Pricing.
Durable, Portable and Lightweight.
Reputed Samsung Brand.
Crystal Clarity & High Sound Quality.
Multi-language Voice Prompts.
Text to Speech Messaging with FreeSync Application.
Single Mic Noise Reduction & Echo Cancellation
Automatic Volume Adjustment.
Allows Battery Level Checking.
Active Pairing - makes pairing headset with another device quick, easy & automatic.
Multipoint Technology - allows for simultaneous connection to 2 Bluetooth devices.
Mono Music Streaming.
Call Receiving / Last Call Dialling.
Mute & Reject functions.
Volume Up & Down functions.
Talk Time: Up to 9 Hours.
Media Streaming: Up to 8 Hours.
Standby Time: Up to 300 Hours.
Charge Time: 75 Minutes.
Compatible with a range of devices.
Equipped with Interchangeable Ear hooks.
Design: In-the-ear.
Bluetooth Range: 10 Metres.
Bluetooth Version: 3.0.
Bluetooth Profiles: HSP1.1, HFP1.5, A2DP1.2.
Box Contents: Bluetooth Headset, Travel Adaptor, Ear Rubber, Earhook, User manual
Color: Magenta, Black, Blue, Purple.
Dimensions: 3.2 x 1.6 x 6.2 Inches.
Weight: 10.2 gms.
Warranty: 6 Months.
Samsung HM 1700 Bluetooth Headset - Value, Functionality & Elegance!
One of the key features of Samsung HM1700 Bluetooth Headset is that it uses voice prompts for various notifications. Clearly, a headset that is built with your convenience in mind. The built-in voice prompts can tell you when you need to recharge your headset, when you’ve successfully connected to a device, usage instructions and more. It can als be configured for 5 different languages for menu control! It is equipped with Text-to-Speech (TTS) for a truly handsfree experience! Even better, if you use TTS with FreeSync application, you can receive SMS messages, email, and schedule notifications through a friendly text-to-speech interface that personally reads your information to you when you wants.
It supports multiple Bluetooth profiles including Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP) support for mono music and media streaming from external devices like your mobile phone or an MP3 player to its earpiece. You can even stream mono music or podcasts directly to the device from your Bluetooth-compatible media player or computer. Its Simple Pairing technology automatically pairs the headset with the closest Bluetooth-enabled device, faster and easier. And that is not all! You can also pair the headset to two different devices simultaneously for seamless integration across devices through its Multipoint Technology. This feature is a life saver for all of us who carry both a business phone and a personal phone, or online gamers who like to play on multiple platforms. It also features Bluetooth 3.0 making it compatible with all Bluetooth-enabled devices.
Of course, all these features would be useless if the headset did not deliver on sound and voice clarity. And it does deliver high on them! Does not matter the environment you are in, be assured that you will get superior sound! It generates top notch sound through its built-in noise reduction and echo cancellation technology (NR / EC), ensuring crystal clear call clarity, even in noisy environments. The NR/EC technology, complemented by the single NR/EC microphone, filters out the noise around you, delivering a cleaner and clearer voice quality even in noisy environments. This host of features namely NR / EC technology, Bluetooth 3.0 and A2DP, together deliver optimal audio quality and mono audio streaming so you can enjoy listening to music or watching a movie from other devices as well.
It has an exceptional battery life too! Its inline rechargeable battery boasts 9 hours of talk time, 8 hours of music streaming and up to 300 hours of standby time per charge cycle. The headset has a dedicated on / off switch making it easy to conserve power until needed. A micro USB port makes recharging easy, and you can check the battery level through the multi-coloured LED indicator.
At only 10.6 grams weight, the headset has an ultra lightweight and compact design that ensures it remains secure and comfortable, even for long durations. It is a brilliant option for for active users! This is accentuated more so with the transparent ear hook and three interchangeable soft gel tips it ships with for a customized fit. All in all, it is a perfect choice for budget-conscious consumers looking for a broad set of high-end features at reasonable pricing.
Are you a proud owner of this product? Do let us know your comments.
Samsung HM 1100 Bluetooth Headset - Bang for the Buck!
Tags: Samsung Bluetooth A2DP Profiles Headset Models Brand Hands Free Handsfree Quality Clarity Sound Voice Audio Calls Dialling Mute Reject Talk Music Media Streaming Mic Noise Reduction Echo Cancellation Price Language FreeSync Application Power Adaptor Battery Rechargeable Standby Charge Time Device Mobile Phone MP3 Player Computer Laptop Tablets Nokia Podcasts Online Gamers Platforms Active Pairing Multipoint Technology Notifications Text to Speech Messaging SMS Email Movie USB Port LED ndicator Earhook Radios Earphones Compatible Warranty Connectivity Reception Wiring Gadget Download TV
In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it is difficult several times to carry a meaningful conversation over our mobile phones without disturbance or interruption. This becomes even more challenging given that our current generation of phones are not as powerful as our older generation phones like Nokia on aspects such as strength of reception, clarity of voice or longevity of calls. We have noticed many times that the voice we hear on our phones is weak or reception is not powerful or the voice ad-hoc gets distorted or even worse, tends to disconnect abruptly. Add to this the fact that all around is noise which makes talking on phones with clarity that much more an uphill task. On a similar note, if we would like to listen to music on our phones or tune our radios on them, all the above listed factors come in to play making us wish we had good alternatives.
These days, when life is becoming faster and doing simple things getting more complex, one practical solution is to use earphones but then that carries the annoyance of wiring - this gets in the way of seamless conversations or listening to music and takes getting used to. Fortunately, the invention of Bluetooth has made life that much more easier on several planes. Even more so with mobile phone conversations or listening to music. Over the last decade, Bluetooth has got more and more sophisticated and it is any one's guess that it will get even more better! That said, the Bluetooth devices of today are a very good solution for our troubles in the world when it comes to music and conversations on phones.
Among such Bluetooth headsets, the Samsung HM 1100 Bluetooth Headset is the perfect gadget for those who want clear calls and music over mobile phones. It comes in black colour with a distinctive “U” design. It not only looks good, but is an awesome accessory to boast. The headset is particularly suited to us who multi-task and talk over our phones while doing a myriad of tasks such as cooking, driving, etc. It delivers top-of-the-line clarity and sound quality. It works well for casual listeners of music as well. And if that is not enough, you can even connect it to your other mobile devices such as laptop and tablets.
Here are key features of Samsung HM 1100 Bluetooth Headset.
Simple & Stylish Design.
Cost Effective.
Durable, Portable & Lightweight.
Reputed Samsung Brand.
Crystal Clarity & High Sound Quality.
Single Mic Noise Reduction & Echo Cancellation - ensures clear and crisp conversation.
Automatic Volume Control System.
Allows Battery Level Checking - headset beeps and indicator light flashes red when battery low. If headset powers off during a call, the call will be automatically transferred to the phone.
Active Pairing - makes pairing headset with another device quick, easy & automatic.
Multipoint Technology - allows for simultaneous connection to 2 Bluetooth devices.
Box Contents: Headset, Charger, Ear Hooks, Ear Gels, User Manual.
Colour: Black.
Dimensions: 10 x 10 x 10 cms.
Weight: 11 gms.
6 Months Warranty.
If you regularly take calls, listen to music and need to be available for long duration, then the Samsung HM 1100 Bluetooth Headset is a great option!. As noted earlier, it is quite functional, cost effective and with no unnecessary frills. It is lightweight and convenient to wear on the ear for long periods of time without any major discomfort. Crystal clarity and sound quality are one of the best. Single mic noise reduction and echo cancellation make it an excellent choice. Battery backup is quite good and you can charge it with its micro USB port. Moreover, its compatibility with most devices today make it a brilliant choice, not to mention its reliability and effortless connectivity.
It has a host of features like active pairing, multi-point technology, automatic volume control system and battery level checking. Samsung HM1100 is sure to please with its high-end features at budget friendly rates. In a nutshell, it is meant for us who are looking for value, functionality, elegance, and fashion! it's a real trendsetter.
From our perspective, we use this headset for calls, listening to music and then running through our favourite downloaded TV programmes. The latter is significant since it ensures that your partner can watch something else along side you without any disturbance to either. It is perfect for our regular requirements and has served us well without complaints.
Important: Please do make sure when making a purchase that it is genuine as there are many counterfeits going around as it is a popular product.
Do you own this product? How has it worked for you? Do let us know your comments.
Logitech UE Mobile Boombox Bluetooth Speaker & Speakerphone
Tags: Logitech UE Mobile Boombox Bluetooth Speaker Speakerphone Microphone Gadgets Wireless Turntables Cassettes Player CD DVD Blu-Ray Player Radio Tuner Antenna Amplifier Stream Digital Music Sound Volume Quality Playback Audio Profile Pairing Devices Laptop iPod iPhone Smartphones Tablets USB Pen Drives Micro SD Cards Rechargeable Battery Power Adapter NFC Connectivity Drivers Radiator Handsfree Hands Free Calls Jack Cable Advanced Audio Profile A2DP Input Output
They say Old is Gold - may be not always, especially with music systems! Remember those olden times when music systems used to be huge and occupying large chunks of space, not to mention the bulky wiring which was scary and cumbersome! These music systems came in multiple components too - turntables, cassette player, CD / DVD / Blu-Ray player, Radio Tuner, Antenna, Amplifier, Speakers and so on... Of course, not all the components were simultaneously required and depended on the times that you are recalling them from. But you get the idea - music systems were large and not miniaturised. Though there were smaller systems, usually, they compromised on the quality of sound. The interesting part is that not everyone needed sophisticated high quality music systems. Many of us prefer to carry our music with us easily. Quite a few of us are casual music listeners and like music solutions with good sound quality. Earlier, this was not challenging, to say the least.
Fortunately, we live in good times and rapidly advancing technology has made miniaturisation a reality without compromising on quality. We now have solutions for casual listeners of music that come in small form factor but with good sound quality. Moreover, there is high level of flexibility given the fact that these devices do not need to contain everything in themselves and can pair with other devices like your laptop or your iPod to provide good quality music. Additionally, storage systems have become extremely portable with the advent of USB Pen Drives and Micro SD Cards.
For those who don't just love music, but live for it and also want to carry it easily with them, the Logitech UE Mobile Boombox Bluetooth Speaker & Speakerphone is the perfect solution! While the Boombox is small, yet the exciting part is that its sound production is big with good quality! It provides amazing sound plus Bluetooth wireless freedom.
Take a few moments to review the Logitech UE Boombox Bluetooth Speaker - you will immediately notice that it is feature rich -
Sleek and stylish.
Robust and enduring material.
Durable and rugged easy-grip action rubber shell.
Vibrant metal grill.
Ultra-portable & lightweight: Light and compact go-anywhere size (2.4 inches in height) fits easily in your bag. You can always travel and roam with pure, undiluted music.
Long life battery: Internal rechargeable battery can play up to 10 straight hours of music anytime, anywhere.
Easy USB recharging and 24/7 power with included AC adapter.
Simple + / - easy access volume controls.
NFC connectivity.
Bluetooth wireless speaker: Play or control music up to 50-Feet away from your Bluetooth enabled Smartphones, tablets or other bluetooth devices and enjoy rich, clear music.
Ultimate Ears (UE) Sound Signature: Custom-tuned drivers give you truly big undiluted sound from a small speaker. The output is clear, pure, rich, big, detailed, perfectly tuned sound. Two full-range drivers provide crisp high notes and warm mid-range while a passive radiator boosts the low end and four passive radiators generate deep, thumping bass.
Doubles as speakerphone: Built-in microphone and speakerphone for hands-free calls in the office, car, house, kitchen, backyard or anywhere. It automatically pauses/starts music when you pick up/end calls and provides long playing comfort and style.
If you do not have wireless, then the 3.5 mm jack makes it a snap to plug in your iPod or other digital music player.
Multi-person access: You and a friend can take turns playing music from your Bluetooth devices at the same time. Users can switch between devices easily just like pressing pause on one device and play on another.
Stream music wirelessly from a variety of bluetooth devices like smartphone, tablet, iPod et al.
Easily pairs with up to eight Bluetooth devices.
Option to add a second speaker.
Multi-host sharing through UE Mini Boom app installed on your bluetooth device like smartphone for two speaker playback.
The dimensions of this stylish and smart speaker are just 3.4 inches x 3 inches x 7.8 inches. It is available in variety of colours and comes with 1 year Warranty.
What you need: For audio playback, Smartphones, tablets and other devices should support Bluetooth wireless audio profile [Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP)] or 3.5 mm audio output. For phone calls, the phones should support Bluetooth Hands-Free Profile (HFP 1.5).
What's in the box: Mobile Boombox, USB charging cable, power adapter, user documentation.
We purchased this product some time back and have not had even the slightest reason to regret it. In fact, for its price, size, features and sound quality, it is an excellent choice of speaker. It is much better and popular than most other small form factor music solutions too - that goes with even its later variants from Logitech!
Do you own Logitech UE Mobile Boombox Bluetooth Speaker & Speakerphone? If so, what is your experience with it? Let us know in your comments.
Beautiful & Talented Actresses of Planet Hollywood!
Tags: Entertainment Movies Hollywood TV Television Video Gaming Music Soundtrack Acting Actresses Beauty Beautiful Pretty Hottest Gal Gadot Kate Beckinsale Blake Lively Scarlett Johansson Alexandra Daddario Margot Robbie Charlize Theron Ana De Armas Gemma Arterton Eva Green Jennifer Lawrence Natalie Portman Shailene Woodley Emma Stone Mila Kunis Emma Watson Amanda Seyfried Chloe Grace Moretz
In our modern times, there are multiple channels of entertainment... unlike the one that was most prominent earlier, namely movies and Hollywood. We have TV, video gaming and music. As all of us are aware, the TV channel has expanded exponentially and is now more respected than ever. It goes without saying that video gaming has also established itself as a special art form that is close to the hearts of many. And of course, who can debate the significance of music in our daily lives - without it, life would perhaps be empty! As aptly said, music is the soundtrack of our lives!
That said, the premier entertainment channel continues to be movies as they reign supreme and the industry that is most iconic of it is Hollywood. And in Hollywood, while one does not wish to de-stress the importance of acting talent, yet it is also equally relevant that beauty and looks are key properties in the industry. Beauty is relative and therefore, the competition to rise above the rest is intense and only the ones that are probably a class apart make it.
That is automatically evident in any movie poster showcasing lead actresses - one can easily see that they are not usually like the rest of the world! They are some of the most beautiful people with hottest looks in the world (of course, perception still plays a significant role as beauty is in the eyes of the beholder). The below list (not sorted) however is not just about beauty alone, as too many pretty actresses have fallen by the wayside, for lack of acting talent. It is typically about Hollywood actresses who are not only 'hot' and 'beautiful' but also have proved themselves in acting skills or are the rising stars in the industry by virtue of breaking out in significant roles in movies!
Here are few of the Beautiful & Talented Actresses of Planet Hollywood!
1. Gal Gadot
It appeared to most of us that Gal Gadot suddenly appeared in Hollywood playing the role of Wonder Woman with the breakout movie Batman Vs Superman, Dawn of Justice. That role changed everything for her and notably! The truth however is that Gal Gadot's appearance was gradual. Her ethereal looks and beautiful smile are a delight for fans! She has starred in several key movies like Fast and Furious & Keeping Up with the Joneses and Knight & Day. There were also several standout aspects about her - a former beauty queen, army background, a martial artist and so on. While people were unsure of her before BvS Dawn of Justice released, yet once it was out, there was no doubting her massive screen appeal. Her solo movie Wonder Woman had people going into the theatres by droves and received wide acclaim. Justice League cemented her role in the DC Extended Universe (DCEU).
2. Kate Beckinsale
She is synonymous with Action movies especially Underworld franchise, Van Helsing and Total Recall. A British actress who in her early teens was a literary prodigy, she has acted in a range of movies covering comedy, action, drama and romance. The wide range of genres in her portfolio showcase her acting talent apart from being beautiful. Few of her movies also include Click, Brokedown Palace, The Last Days of Disco, Serendipity and Love & Friendship. In many of her interviews, she has come off as poised, kind-hearted and charming - makes her more attractive in the eyes of the audience.
3. Blake Lively
Gossip Girl projected her as a star that people sat up and took notice. That series accentuated her hot looks in more ways than one. Gossip Girl was unconventional in the sense that it featured several sensual moments without shying away. Blake Lively is also a movie star in her own right and has been cast in films like The Town, Accepted, Green Lantern and Savages. The Shallows brought her critical acclaim too.She has shown that she can meld into any role in TV or Movies, the character of the role notwithstanding!
4. Scarlett Johansson
Clearly, an actress who is most in demand in Hollywood today. She is usually one of the top picks for any role in contention and when she chooses, she plays any role with ease. As Black Widow, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), she has been the pivot of many important movies in the franchise. She is due for her own standalone movie in the MCU. She has starred in many other movies like Lucy, Her, The Prestige, The Jungle Book, The Ghost in the Shell and Under the Skin. Her impact on the film world has been immense and will stand out for time! She has been named as the sexiest woman alive by the reputed Esquire Magazine.
5. Alexandra Daddario
Mostly played as a guest star and supporting actor in movies such as The Squid and the Whale. However, she rose to prominence when she was cast in the Percy Jackson franchise. Yet, she became a true star only she acted in True Detective (First Season). There were certain memorable moments too in the series when the world had no option but to take note gleefully. She has since then starred in multiple movies in 2017 such as Baywatch and Alongside The Rock. She has considered to be one of the rising stars in the industry and not just for her pretty face, looks and body.
6. Margot Robbie
Margot today is one of the fastest rising stars in the movie world. She is an Australian actress who originally began her career in television and in Hollywood, with the movie About Time. With The Wolf of Wall Street movie, she appeared to be an overnight star. She has gone on to hold her own with top actors of Hollywood such as Leonardo DiCaprio, Will Smith, Tina Fey, and Samuel Jackson. One of her standout roles has been as Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad. For obvious reasons, she is considered as not only a blonde bombshell but as one with huge acting potential that she has only partly showcased.
7. Charlize Theron
She is a South African actress who has proved her acting mettle time and again. Also, Charlize Theron has been named by the reputed Esquire Magazine as the sexiest woman alive. A few movies that stand out from this marvelous actress are Monster and The Cider House Rules, Mad Max: Fury Road and Hancock. She looks not only beautiful but regal - a statuesque blonde with a slender and sexy figure. One of her signature looks is her charming smile, not to mention how she makes acting look easy with her poise and the balance she brings to any role.
8. Ana De Armas
This Cuban actress is one of the rising stars in the film industry. She has been expanding her portfolio of movies from the time that she first made her appearance in Knock Knock, a Keanu Reeves movie, that relied heavily on her looks. Since then, she has appeared in several movies like Hand of Stone and War Dogs. Her biggest role has been on the recently well acclaimed Blade Runner 2049 where she played Joi, a virtual artificial intelligence that echoes a real human being by way of emotions and looks.
9. Gemma Arterton
Quite a few beautiful women are known to have played major parts in the James Bond franchisee, typically known to cast existing stars. However, that tradition appears to have changed from 1990s when lesser known actresses have been cast and have turned stars. Gemma Arterton was one of those who turned into an overnight star after her appearance as Bond girl in the James Bond 007 movie, Quantum of Solace. Her performance was clearly eye-grabbing not just for looks but significantly for acting talent too. From that time, she has capitalised on the breaks she received in the industry and gone on to star in many more movies like Clash of the Titans and Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. She is perceived widely as a woman of alluring looks and ethereal beauty.
10. Eva Green
Eva has an impressive portfolio of movies including starring as a Bond girl in Casino Royale, a James Bond 007 movie. She has played impressive performances in many movies such as 300: Rise of an Empire, Sin City: A Dame to Kill For and the TV show Penny Dreadful.She is seen as a gorgeous and sultry woman but takes that intensity several levels higher when audience sees her in movies as compared to photos. She is known for her acting abilities and not just as another pretty face.
11. Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer is widely considered as the most successful actress of her generation. Not for nothing is she the highest paid actress in the world with her films grossing around $5.5 billion worldwide. She is also one of the most beautiful in Planet Hollywood. However, that is only half the story as her acting skills are well exhibited too given that she is thus far, she is the only person born in the 1990s to have won an acting Oscar. She has starred in many popular movies including the Hunger Games franchise, X Men franchise, Passengers and Mother! Her portfolio encompasses multiple genres like action, thriller, romance, mystery, science fiction, fantasy and comedy.
12. Natalie Portman
Natalie is an Israelian actress who also has dual American citizenship. While there is no debate about her pristine, ethereal beauty and her charming smile, yet equally remarkable about her are her acting credentials. She is an actress who has received critical acclaim for her acting abilities. She made her powerful debut in the movie Leon and followed it up with movies like Heat, Beautiful Girls and Mars Attacks! Her worldwide fame however came through a role in the Star Wars franchise as Queen Amidala. She has also been the lead actress in popular movies like Thor and Thor: Dark World. Her widely anticipated new movie Annihilation is on the verge of being released soon. She has won many awards and an Academy Award for her role in the movie Black Swan. She is what is termed as a woman of substance + beauty!
13. Shailene Woodley
Shailene started off early in her entertainment career through television credits. At the early age of 4, she began modeling. She was into acting classes by age of 5. Her first major role was in 2008 with the debut of The Secret Life of the American Teenager. Later, she gained critical acclaim and popular audience through her performances in films like The Descendants, dystopian 'Divergent' film series, The Fault in Our Stars and HBO's Big Little Lies. Her pretty looks may catch you unawares as to to the woman of substance that she is! She is a noted environmentalist, political activist and humanitarian supporting charity causes from school days.
14. Emma Stone
She is one of the leading actresses of Hollywood blessed with beautiful looks. However, she is clearly more than a beautiful face as she has demonstrated through her film credits. She has won many awards including an Academy Award for her portrayal of an aspiring actress in La La Land. She has starred in many popular comedies and has come across as witty and charming in her roles. She has left her signature in the teen hits Superbad, The House Bunny and Zombieland. Other notable movies include Easy A and Battle of the Sexes. She is best known for some of her movies like The Amazing Spiderman and its sequel, Birdman, Crazy, Stupid Love and The Help. Those films received critical acclaim as well. She has showcased her acting abilities across multiple genres of acting and is widely acknowledged as an established acting talent.
15. Mila Kunis
One of the most poised and charismatic actresses today in Hollywood is Mila Kunis. While she played many TV roles, she is best known for That '70s Show and being the voice of Meg Griffin on Family Guy. Her breakthrough film was Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008), a romantic comedy. She has starred in many other movies such as a film adaptation of Max Payne, comedy film Extract, post-apocalyptic action film The Book of Eli and had a small role in a comedy Date Night. These were followed up by ballet drama Black Swan, romantic comedy Friends with Benefits, Ted, fantasy film Oz: The Great and Powerful, Sci-Fi film Jupiter Ascending and comedy Bad Moms. She is known to be spontaneous - an example is when she agreed to go out with a Marine who asked her out via YouTube.
16. Emma Watson
Emma is one of the most well known faces in the world for immortalising the character of Hermoine Granger in the Harry Potter franchise. She started off acting early at the age of 9 for that role which made her an international star. She literally grew up on camera while she reprised her role in the Harry Potter series. After more than a decade, she has successfully transitioned into a popular adult model and actress. She has appeared and re-established herself as a successful actress through several popular and critically acclaimed films like The Perks of Being a Wallflower, My Week with Marilyn and Beauty and the Beast.
17. Amanda Seyfried
Amanda is one of the most beautiful faces in the Hollywood industry. She established herself with her breakout role in the film Mamma Mia with co-stars Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan and Colin Firth. She is also best known for her role in Mean Girls which literally put her on the map to recognition. She started off early in her career at the age of 11 with modeling. She then went into acting and singing. She played Lucinda in soap operas As the World Turns and All My Children. Commercial success meant she got to act in several movies like Jennifer’s Body, Boogie Woogie, Chloe, Dear John, Letters to Juliet, Red Riding Hood, In Time, Gone and Les Misérables. Her performances in films have received wide acclaim and her beauty has got noticed by many magazines who have listed her in those glamourous stars to watch out for. She is considered to be one of Hollywood's up-and-coming actresses with both talent and beauty on her side.
18. Chloë Grace Moretz
Chloe Moretz is one of the youngest actresses in Hollywood, not to mention that she started off her entertainment career even younger. She comes across as not just beautiful but ambitious and talented. Her list of film credits show her diversity in acting. She was just 6 years old when she landed her first major big screen acting role in The Amityville Horror. That role made her instantly famous. From thereon, she accepted several film offers including The Poker House, 500 Days of Summer, Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Let Me In. She received another breakthrough in 2010 with the movies Kick-Ass and its sequel. She has numerous films to her credit such as Carrie, Hugo, Dark Shadows, If I Stay, The Equalizer, Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising and 5th Wave. She is known to speak her mind even when it affects her career. In her own words, she has said, “I’m outspoken and I’m not afraid to speak my mind, even if it’s controversial.”