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Eat Better, Live Better! |
Tags: Eat True Food Healthy Food Quality Tasty Breakfast Lunch Snacks Dinner Restaurants Muscle Fat KFCs McDonalds Fuel Vehicles Ailments Obesity
What is food? What is its true purpose? What should we eat? How often do we really think deeply about it other than when we are hungry or chilling out or by instinct? Most often than not, food is taken for granted. Most of us follow a typical routine when we just eat breakfast, lunch, snacks or dinner. These can be at home or restaurants or take-outs. It is doubtful whether we give enough thought on what is true purpose of food, its quality and its organic or pristine nature. This modern world is driven by consumerism, fast food, junk food, eat-outs, packaging, advertising and marketing. Consequently, we just roll with the trends and peer groups in eating unhealthy food rather than focusing on good quality to ensure good health of our body and mind.
It is often said that a bad habit is easy to cultivate than a good habit. Similarly, it is perhaps easier to lose a good habit than a bad habit. While it is ironic, yet that is how it apparently is in our current lives. Take the example of how the world have taken to fast food and junk food (aptly called so) rolled out by the likes of the KFCs and McDonalds. Of course, it is not just them. Everywhere you look, the trend seems to be dominant and prevalent of finding ways to destroy the equilibrium of our bodies. If you need evidence, just look around at the explosion of all kinds of eateries. We do not think how that might hurt our body, their quality and their manufactured / processed nature. And even if we are aware, we procrastinate and delay shifting to good habits where food is concerned.
Let us take an analogy. Would we put any kind of fuel into our vehicle? Would we dilute the fuel in our vehicle? Would we put garbage in the fuel tank? Why not - it would cost us less? Oh no! We are quite particular about pumping good quality fuel in the tanks of our motor vehicles. We don't even think for a moment of compromising even if it means that our cost and expenses could be drastically reduced. Why so? We know that it would hurt our vehicles badly not only in the long run but also in the short term. Our vehicles may cease to function! And that we simply can not have! So, in a nutshell, we love taking care of our vehicles so that they perform well and are long lasting. We are particular in pumping good quality fuel in their tanks - we will do no less!
Is the human body not the same? Again, going back, what is the true purpose of food? Is it not fuel for our body to sustain us and to ensure that we are always in good health and condition? Do we not want to live healthy and long lives? That is the purpose of food or to be specific - that is the purpose of good quality food! Then why do we torture our bodies by feeding it junk and rubbish? We clearly know it hurts us, affects our health badly and shortens our lives - yet we persist in these bad habits! Why is this so? Perhaps, one of the many reasons could be that we believe fast food, junk food, manufactured and processed food tastes better. We are going through the phenomenon of thinking that food is for pleasure alone forgetting that it is primarily fuel. Yes if you can have pleasurable food while having good food, then that is great but not so called tasty food that disrupts our bodies!
We have conditioned our minds and taste buds to feel that fast food / junk food / manufactured food / processed food tastes great! As earlier said, it is programming and we need to make an effort to get out of it and get back on track in fueling our body with good quality food. This is not to say that food can't be enjoyed for pleasure. Yes that is important but not because we have fooled ourselves to give in to low quality food. It is important to re-condition our minds and taste buds to understand how good quality food is actually tasty and enjoyable! Remember, it is all in the mind! That way, we fuel and sustain ourselves with good food while being able to enjoy it too! Remember, the true purpose of food is to fuel our bodies and enjoying it with pleasure is secondary!
Ever wonder why the world is full of people with ailments and obesity? You always knew the answer. Hopefully, you have now realised the answer too! It is now high time that we started treating our bodies better by using food for its true purpose. Your body will love you for it! That is the only way to properly build muscle and burn fat optimally and quickly. Going to the gym can never be enough if you feed your body with junk. It is like swimming against the river current and tide! Of course, if the intention is to be obese, unhealthy and miserable, then continue with the bad habits!
It is worth remembering that absolutely nobody forces us to eat or drink anything. We are in control. So we must take control of our lives now. Eat only good quality food. Once you make that a habit, your body will reward you for it and your taste buds will transform to enjoy the food! When you set a pattern like that, there is no going back!
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