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Corporate Morals and ethics - Dark Reality! |
Many a time, we would have participated in deep discussions wherein our earlier generations of family members and friends would have told us that those were different times when a strong work ethic was sincerely appreciated and rewarded. Similarly, the values espoused and practiced by managements of those times were also on the higher side. Unfortunately, as the world progresses, it seems that corporate morals and ethics are regressing to the darker side. All that is expected today, is to get the work done by hook or crook, never mind the means and the method. Similarly, no one seems to be bothered about the quality of work - as long as no one notices, managers seem to be happy to tick a check box that it is done. And if someone does, then it is time to pass the buck!
Of course, not all managements are like this... but the sad truth is that most seem to be travelling in that negative direction. Further, managements actively reward individuals who jump companies rather than those who have a strong qualitative work ethic. Loyalty is interpreted as foolishness. In a similar vein, managers and management appear to have forgotten the virtue of kindness. Caring and kind managers and managements are a dying breed or are fast becoming a rare species! In fact, if you are one of them, then chances are that you would have been interpreted as not strong enough or ambitious or wasting time...
Given these factors, there are many who taste frustration time and again...
From this perspective, we are sharing here a Whatsapp message that we received sometime back. It is fiction but it serves a purpose and can be interpreted many ways - funny, sarcastic, caustic et al but when you read it, you will see that underlying all that, there perhaps is a kernel of truth!
A highly successful Senior Vice-President of a multi-national company was going home in his car when he saw two men along the roadside eating grass. Disturbed by the sight, he ordered his driver to stop and got out to investigate.
He asked one man...
➠ “Why are you eating grass?”
➽ “We don’t have any money for food,” the poor man replied. “We have to eat grass.”
➠ “Well, then, you can come with me to my house and I’ll feed you” the Sr. VP said.
➽ “But sir, I have a wife and two children with me. They are over there, under that tree”.
➠ “Bring them along,” the Sr. VP replied. Turning to the other poor man he stated, “You come with us also.”
➽ The second man, in a pitiful voice then said, “But sir, I also have a wife and three children with me!”
➠ “Bring them all, as well,” the Sr. VP answered.
They all entered the car, which was no easy task, even for a car as large as it was.
➽ One of the poor fellows turned to the Sr. VP and said, “Sir, you are too kind. Thank you for taking all of us with you.”
➠ The Sr. VP replied, “Glad to do it. You’ll really love my place; the grass is almost 1 meter high!”
➤ Life Lesson: Think twice before trusting Higher Management… They may go to any extreme to finish their job.. And there aren't any like a KIND Management!!
While the above humour is clearly fiction, yet there is another aspect away from management that should also be reflected upon. When we do not have the means to sustain ourselves, must we follow evolutionary instincts blindly and get into marriage or relationship? If that is not enough, should we also go and have multiple children?
This entire blog piece is intended only to encourage us to think and reflect deeply before doing something... The humour is just satire to illustrate metaphorically how too many times, events, moralities and ethics are going downhill! It is not intended to hurt any feelings arbitrarily or indiscriminately!! We are not just animals though we do have a link there - we are homosaphiens and probably the only species with advanced intellect on this planet with the capacity to introspect and reflect and not just do by instincts. It is time we adopted a wise approach rather than just being less than human while calling ourselves homosaphiens! A little less of a materialistic approach to our lives would be of great help in today's world where corruption of all forms is the norm rather than the rarity!
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